Services We Provide:
- Assembly, Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of GSM Base Stations
- Site Investigation, Assembly Survey Preparation
- Project Production for the Energy and Air Conditioning Systems of the Base Stations
(Battery Test and Performance Monitoring Systems, Air Conditioning Systems, Energy Saver Production)
- Infrastructure Assembly Services
- LOS Survey (Line Off Sight) Preparation
- Electrical Projects-Subscription Works and Engagement
- Assembly, Test, and Operation of Air Conditioners
- BTS- Indoor Outdoor Assemblies
- Test, On Air, Commissioning
- HDSL, Mini-link, TN DXX Transmission Systems Configuration and Tests
- Assembly, Operation and Repairs of GSM Repeater Systems
- Helpdesk Services (24 hours-7 days)
- FoIIow up of the Electrical Payments
- Site Acceptance
- New Site, Site Replacement, Revision
- Operation Responsibility in Plants with Substations
- Periodical Maintenance in Plants with Substations
- Generator Support (24 hours-7 days)
- Solar Power Generation
Other Services We Provide:
- Mobile BTS
- Fiber Optical Projects
- Field Maintenance (Radio and Transmission Networks Operation and Maintenance)
- Installation (Towers and RBS Sites including Transmission Equipments SDH-PDH-R/L-M/L)
- Civil Work and Telecom Implementation
- Full Turnkey Projects
- Material Support and Supply